Welcome to the Poster Exhibition Space of the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2020
We invite you to explore the poster exhibition space, created in the context of the DARIAH Annual Event 2020, and vote for the best poster!
Thanks to DARIAH-HR, this year we will award the best poster/demo of the event with an invitation to the 2021 DARIAH Days in Zagreb, Croatia to present their research. DARIAH-HR will cover travel and accommodation expenses (up to 500 eur/person).
The voting for the online exhibition will remain open during the central week of the DARIAH Annual Event 2020, November 10-13. The best poster will be announced on November 13, at 17:00-18:00 CET at the final Social Event and Closing Remarks session.
*The Best Poster Award goes to Maurizio Toscano, L. Bocanegra Barbecho, Salvador Ros Muñoz, Elena González-Blanco for their poster ‘Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain‘.
Honorable mentions go to Luise Borek and Canan Hastik for their demo submission ‘TaDiRAH as Linked Open Data’ and to Grzegorz Bryk, Alejandro Benito, Michał Kozak, Cezary Mazurek, Szymon Płaczaszek, Roberto Theron for their poster ‘Supporting Decision-Making in the Entity Normalization Task. On the Example of PROVIDEDH’.
Representing @DariahFi at #dariah2020. Very glad that the organizers let me observe the National Coordinator Committee meeting here in Athens!
2Representing @DariahFi at #dariah2020. Very glad that the organizers let me observe the National Coordinator Committee meeting here in Athens!
2Representing @DariahFi at #dariah2020. Very glad that the organizers let me observe the National Coordinator Committee meeting here in Athens!
2Does Communication belong to Scholarly Primitives?
Listen back to this #DARIAH2020 w/shop,organised by @etothczifra @cclivaz @maciejmaryl @ElisaNury @jadr4nka,exploring how scholarly activities can be supported by novel scholarly communication practices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdBwNrVEJPM&list=PLfWGHIkSIx0UqP6ki0GXwt3UOjdDz4yLb&index=10&ab_channel=DARIAH-EUDARIAH-EU
🎙️ Listen back to John Unsworth’s keynote from the DARIAH Annual Event 2020, revisiting and freshly interrogating both the notion and the scope of scholarly primitives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyruWlLDvlc&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=DARIAH-EU @UVA @unsworth @ttasovac
Read more on #DARIAH2020 at https://www.dariah.eu/2020/12/22/recap-of-the-dariah-virtual-annual-event-2020/